Looking for the most popular magazines and newspapers from around the world? They’re all on Magzter, the world’s largest and most-loved digital newsstand.
* Get 7-Day FREE unlimited access to 9,000+ leading magazines and newspapers including Time, Cosmopolitan, Newsweek, ELLE, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Maxim, Men’s Health, Entrepreneur, Popular Mechanics, T3, India Today, The Guardian, Daily Mirror and The Independent
* Voted the #1 digital reading destination by readers and top publishers from all over the world
At Magzter, were changing the way you read magazines and newspapers. From automotive, business, cooking, entertainment and fashion to lifestyle, news, sports, technology and travel, enjoy reading all your favorite magazines and newspapers across 40+ exciting categories on the Magzter app.
Why youll love Magzter?
1. Enjoy reading your favorite magazines and newspapers anytime and anywhere on the go.
2. Access mobile-friendly premium stories curated from best-selling magazines and newspapers.
3. Download your favorite titles and read them later even when youre offline.
4. Bookmark your favorite pages to quickly access them later.
5. Discover and share exciting content on Magzter Connect, an exciting social community within the app.
6. Get FREE unlimited reading access at Magzter Smart Reading Zones®.
Top titles on Magzter
Automotive - Autocar, Car and Driver, Hot Rod, Road & Track, Top Gear
Business - Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Forbes, Fortune, Inc.
Cooking - BBC Good Food UK, Bon Appétit, Food & Wine, Food Network Magazine, Taste of Home
Entertainment - Filmfare, OK!, TV Guide, Vanity Fair
Fashion - Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Harpers Bazaar, InStyle, Marie Claire, Vogue
Fitness - Mens Health, Runner’s World, Women’s Health, Yoga Magazine
Lifestyle - Esquire, GQ, Maxim, Girls’ Life
News - India Today, Newsweek, New York Magazine, Readers Digest, The Atlantic, Time
Newspapers - Business Standard, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Hindustan Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Straits Times
Science & Technology - Macworld, PCWorld, Popular Mechanics, Stuff, T3, Wired
Sports - Bicycling, Cycling Plus UK, Golf Monthly, Mountain Biking UK
Travel - Business Traveller UK, Condé Nast Traveler, National Geographic Traveller (UK), Travel+Leisure
Magzters premium unlimited reading subscription, Magzter GOLD, gives users unlimited access to 9,000+ magazines, newspapers and premium stories. You can get a 7-day free Magzter GOLD trial on the Magzter app.
What are you waiting for? Download the Magzter app now and fall in love with unlimited reading!
Magazine, Newspaper, and Magzter GOLD subscriptions are available for purchase inside the Magzter app. Please note that your subscription will automatically renew every month on your iTunes account until you cancel at least 24-hours before the end of the then current subscription period. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours before the end of each subscription period at the rate of your selected plan. You can manage your subscription and turn off auto-renewal anytime in your Account Settings.
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Web: https://www.magzter.com/
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Pros and cons of Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers app for iPhone and iPad
Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers app good for
The India Today ( telugu) magazine price is nearly comparable to the print version! Why not the same with newspapers?!
Also, more comics in regional languages, please.
Good app, lets me choose based on countries so I can find magazines I like easier. The magazine reader is really nice as well, with tons of options. It shows the individual page loading status and the overall loading %, so I can start reading and know when I have the rest of the magazine. I can also share pages via Facebook which is cool.
Really there is tons here in the app: a lot of help tips guiding you through how to use the app, a good search, and it lets you archive magazines to save space. Push notifications let me know when new magazines are out and it has support for Chinese (and Arabic) magazines.. with reverse page swiping!
Its hard to touch on everything as this has so much content and options. A great app to read all your magazines from!
I was very glad to find this app, as Im fluent in Arabic & English, was delighted to find an magazine app that support both languages.
Also, I can flick around the countries see the best one in different countries, last but not least is the push notification it cant get any better.
Awesome magazines, wicked push notifications, search tool is great, what can I say more worth a try
From the get-go, Magzter is a unique digital magazine store as the tips get you started out of the gates by guiding you through the intuitive uses of the application and in no time youre reading magazines with great readability options. Additionally, finding these magazines are easier than ever, both based on category and genre as well as by geographical location. Overall, Magzter is a top magazine-related application with great search capabilities and with new magazines being added regularly!
Perfect magazine app for my iPad!! Got a very good collection on digital arts n photography!
Some bad moments
Since the redesign it’s been more tasking to navigate, more so with the latest update.
Articles: Featured, CoverStories etc when clicking on the large pic brings up a different article sometimes & then to get to this you have to click on the tiny Mags-name bottom-left!?
This brings a popup to then hit to read…
Once inside you give more horrible black around the pages, “white iPhone” I’d prefer white to match, like before. This on iPhone 6 iOS 9.3.1 your app now has popups ever page or click!!
The app was better 3 or 4 iterations before, plus your icon needs an Overhaul too it doesn’t set well with the OS.
I had some souscrption through newstand.
And suddenly nothing was working.
I understand the reason : they want to force us to use their app, probably to increase their benefits. I hate to have the arm twisted in the back like that .
Will not renew the subscritions.
Fhm UK? Stuff UK ? Settings: United Kingdom. Mags all seem to be either from India or Malaysia.
I can bare the app crashing whenever I use it but what I really hate is bad customer service. I have emailed them two times a month ago and no one got back to me. Then just this week I emailed them again (twice) with an issue about a purchase and no one has gotten back to me.
You guys have great magazines and I have yearly subscriptions with you guys for more than 10 magazines. So at least what you can do is give us good customer service. If this continues I will find another service like Zinio.
Hi here
Abhiyaan magazine not update regular .i send lots time complain here.but given yet replay.
So whos response here.
Kapil vyas
I bought one year subscription of a magazine and got only 2 issues in March. Nothing for April. Repeated emails to support just sends automated reply with no action. I have to call my credit card to ask for refund.
Usually Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers iOS app used & searched for
puthiya thalaimurai,
skin deep,
news 9,
boxing news,
lonely planet traveller,
cross stitch crazy,
running for beginners,
the family handyman,
soap opera digest,
yoga journal,
muscle car review,
filmfare magazine,
super chevy,
the ideal home & garden,
and other. So, download free Magzter: Magazines, Newspapers .ipa to run this nice iOS application on iPhone and iPad.